It’s hard to get your creative juices flowing at the best of times. But if you avoid these The Muse will have little excuse not to come and breath in your right ear.
1/ Tiredness
The average person needs between 7 and 8 hours sleep a night. Go to bed early and get up early when you can. This is my number one piece of advice for anyone who wants to get anything done.
2/ Choice
Too many ideas, too many tools, too many distractions. Decide on one idea and focus on limiting your options before you start. You’ll do better work quicker.
3/ Email
Including Twitter, Facebook and internet surfing. If at all possible don’t check your emails more than twice a day and set aside a specific chunk of time each day when you’re not working on your art for your social networks and RSS feeds.
4/ Clutter
Physical – start by removing anything unnecessary for you to do your work in your immediate vicinity. Each day move outwards until your whole workspace is free of distracting clutter.
Mental – begin every day with a little quiet time and try to empty your head of all thoughts completely. I’ve recently got back to meditating for 20 minutes every morning before I do anything.
5/ Envy
Ignore what anyone else is doing. You might covet their success; in your eyes it might be undeserved, but don’t waste time thinking about it. Anything that’s external to your work is irrelevant.
6/ Critics
Ignore them at all costs. Chris Guillebeau summed it up when he said that no one’s ever erected a statue of a critic. I don’t think there are any statues of electronic musicians either, but I’m trying to change that.
7/ Perfectionism
Just finish it! Its good enough already.