If you’re stuck try this. (It’s how I started my first two albums).
Every day for a week spend an hour just starting stuff. Get a groove going, add parts quickly, don’t worry about the details at all, just get a vibe.
Once you have a basic idea down, make sure you record it. Then move on and start something else. Above all don’t get sucked into one groove or sound or making it perfect.
The idea is to just get a load of ideas down as fast as possible.
When your hour is up stop. Turn off the computer. Leave the area. Forget about it.
Do the same every day for a week. Don’t listen back to what you did the day before, just sit down and get as many ideas down as possible.
By the end of the week you’ll have a load of ideas. Give it a while before listening to them. Maybe give it a week or so. When you do, listen to them one after the other. Make sure you have a notepad next to you and write down whatever comes into your head as you’re listening.
Many of your ideas will be crap, (ignore the crap) but worry not. I guarantee there’ll be some gold in there. Maybe even enough for an album.