Your transaction has been processed – there’s an invoice from “Make Music Your Life” (that’s my company) in your inbox now.
Now, please make sure you add this email address:
…to your safe sender / white list. Find out with Gmail / Hotmail / Yahoo / etc how to do this. I’ve also got instructions here for you…
The ONLY way I can contact you reliably (as long as you add me to your white list!) is via email, and some of the ongoing bonus coaching from me will come via email.
Yes – I’ll be sending you regular reminders to keep you on track. 🙂
Your Next Steps
Within the next 15 minutes you’ll get an email from:
[SNFF] Welcome to Start Now Finish Fast!
…with instructions for how to set up your account on the coaching site and get your content…
Don’t stress if you can’t find the email or if anything goes wrong. If you have any problems or difficulties with any of this – simply email:
…and we’ll be able to help you out (on weekdays. Please be patient if you’re emailing around a weekend.)
Finally, if you want to purchase another of the Start Now Finish Fast “Months” click here…
Welcome to the family! I can’t wait to help you turbo charge your music making.
Let’s do this! 🙂
Onwards and upwards,